An Interview mit Hans J. Schmolke about the brave new world of HR
Q: What sense does prosperity make as a goal in human resource management?
A: Maybe that's not a good goal for human resources management, but it is for human resources development. The company should be a place where people feel good, a social cohesion, proud of what it produces and the role it plays for others. On the one hand, a place of social interaction, on the other hand, a place of challenges, opportunities to develop life, thirdly, a counterpart of the family private life. The distance from private life during the working day has just as much of a stabilizing effect on it as, vice versa, private life does through its distance from everyday professional life. The importance of this for mental and social health was clearly shown during the pandemic, when this distance was torn down. Mental health problems increased rapidly.
From the perspective of human resources development, the individual as a whole person must remain in perspective, even if, of course, the private sphere is and remains taboo in the process. Growing, flourishing and thriving, that is the meaning of prosperity, and that should apply to every individual. Therein lies the challenge for HR departments in large companies. It is a creative task that requires a great deal of sensitivity, and unfortunately different talents than the traditional personnel administration.
Q: Privacy - if everyone is to be supported individually in their life context, then that requires an individual assessment in any case. Works councils and trade unions are very sensitive to this and reject it.
A: Prosperland doesn't work for the individual, it works for the collective, the people in a location, in a type of job qualification, an age group, you name it, then Prosperland filters out which are their sensitive social sensors.
At this point, we should point out how well AI is already helping us here. AI teaches us that we are - to put it simply - 85% social beings and 15% shaped by culture and individuality. For a policy of prosperity, we only need the 85%, the collective. The individual aspects can then be left to the individual person himself.
Further still, AI also shows that this 85% is characterized by a few patterns, each in turn characterized by a few influencing factors. This is intuitively clear to all of us when we imagine how a 70-year-old sees the world differently from a 17-year-old. The influencing factors can be grouped well, and very practical approaches to a personnel development policy grow out of this.
Q: What does that mean in concrete terms?
A: This means that a personnel development policy is not oriented to the individual case, but to group interests. Operational work can be organized in a tree-like structure. This applies to the combination of measures. Where these measures are to be located is determined analytically by the AI. After that, the main task is to decide in each individual case to which branch in the tree the individual should be assigned.
Q: I see, but the error rate is 15%, if I understood correctly. How do you know whether you are on the right track in an individual case?
A: First of all, mistakes are important. Only through mistakes can you learn. Because we are dealing with conditions that are in a constant process of change, adaptation, learning, is a central task. Learning requires measuring whether something has changed. Prosperland determines whether one is on the right track overall. Whether this is also reliable information for the important individual case is the starting point for the further work of talent management, for example. This is about the collective living conditions. And these are the same for everyone, but are perceived differently from group to group.
The group limit of 10 required by trade unions can be easily met. Only above this limit can Prosperland generate results.